
Magna Seeks Testing for Sanitizing Device That Could Kill COVID-19

Leading global automotive supplier, Magna, has manufactured a sanitizing device that, they hope, will lead Coronavirus to its demise. “We think we can really save lives,” Magna’s global director, Scott Mitchell told Automotive News Canada, “we’ve just got to get this testing done.”

The auto supplier, along with many other automotive manufacturers, is joining the fight against COVID-19 with the reintroduction of their invention, Puro. This consumer device resurfaced with the intention of aiding under resourced hospitals and front-liners–those in dangerous proximity of the virus with little to no protection.

The reintroduction of Puro

This sanitizing device almost looks like a cooler; it’s a large container with a cord and transparent lid atop. It uses the inorganic molecule, ozone, to eliminate bacteria and rid items of odor. It’s been used to disinfect the grimiest of items: dirty boots, dog toys, and even sweaty helmets. The Puro seemed to successfully eliminate MRSA bacteria back in 2012, according to Magna engineers. It even proved effective against H1N1, the swine flu virus that alarmed us back in 2009. Magna believes that it may have a similar effect on COVID-19; they just need the test results to prove it.

Here’s how it works

According to The Drive, Puro “operates on proprietary software” and “converts oxygen into super-cleaning ozone molecules…once the item is sanitized, the device converts the ozone back into oxygen to be safely released.” The device is recommended to be used on items that can’t be boiled or cleaned otherwise. Ozone gas has been used by professional sports teams to clean equipment, assuring that it’s entirely safe to use on everyday objects.

The search for testing

Magna is seeking a lab to provide results and see if this device can be the helping hand we need right now. If it does, Magna aims to mass assemble the device within a few weeks. The problem is, labs are overwhelmed with testing right now.

If it does work, this device could be an immense help to our healthcare workers; with a devastating shortage of protective gear, this device could be utilized to disinfect masks, gloves, and other gear that hospitals are severely lacking. According to Automotive News Canada, Magna says one Puro could “disinfect up to 50 face masks every 30 minutes.”

In the meantime, the Magna team is calling on those with a hand for sewing to create face mask covers using their DIY guides that carefully instruct you on how to produce reusable, breathable cotton masks—an item that could save lives.

Font: Grit Daily

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