

Whether your organization is taking its first steps to prioritize cybersecurity, renewing efforts to protect itself from cybercrime, or performing a health check on existing security measures, AIAG has the next-step resources you need.

Our new Supply Safe™: Cyber Initiative – launched in partnership with NQC, a global leader in cyberthreat detection – includes a one-time Cyber Virtual Audit, and basic or advanced Cyber Risk Assessment.

But what exactly does a virtual audit entail, and what do we mean by a “risk” assessment?

Below, we’ve broken down the individual elements of our Cyber Safe Bundles to help you better understand the impact these tools and resources can have on your organization.

What is a Cyber Virtual Audit, and how does it help?

A Cyber Virtual Audit is a one-time domain/IP scan that allows you to run a comprehensive virtual check on your organization’s internet facing systems. This non-intrusive remote audit searches for known vulnerabilities and misconfigurations using a database of more than 53,000 issues; vulnerabilities found during the analysis are then logged, and a report is created providing details on the specific vulnerabilities identified, as well as what actions can be taken to rectify any issues.

What is a Cyber Risk Assessment, and how does it help?

A Cyber Risk Assessment allows you to evaluate your organization’s existing information security capabilities and organizational controls in relation to industry best practices, as detailed in AIAG’s CS-1 document – the Cybersecurity 3rd Party Information Security guideline – developed by General Motors, Ford, Honda, and FCA. Upon completion of the assessment, you will receive an automated Corrective Action Plan which enables immediate action in addressing vulnerabilities and improving cyber capabilities.

How does AIAG help small suppliers in the cybersecurity space?

In partnership with NQC – a global leader in cyber threat detection – AIAG now offers Supply Safe™: Cyber Safe Bundles, comprised of a cyber virtual audit and either a basic or advanced risk assessment. Bundles are free for AIAG members and available to non-members for a nominal fee.

In addition to supporting industry efforts to protect shared data throughout the supply chain, these tools allow you to evaluate your organization’s existing information security capabilities and organizational controls in relation to industry best practices. The basic risk assessment in particular – with approximately 25 questions – supports smaller to medium sized suppliers with fewer IT resources dedicated to cybersecurity, or outsourced IT support.

Learn more and get your Cyber Safe Bundle here!

Font: AIAG Org

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